226. A Retreat with North Koreans
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  Name : markcentre Date : 2018-01-29 오후 2:20:49
MARK Centre

I was recently asked to preach on the baptism of Christ and found myself thinking about the love, delight and affirmation of the Father toward Jesus. It comes through the dove settling on Jesus and also through the voice from heaven ? “You are my son, whom I love, with you I am well pleased.” This delight and love from heaven is not only evident in the baptism story, but also in the transfiguration (Mark 9) and anointing at Bethany (Mark 14). God singled out Jesus, not once, but three times in Mark.

Then I started to see that the same love, delight, and affirmation Jesus experienced at his baptism, flows through Jesus to individuals in Mark. Jesus clearly singles people out again and again, focusing his compassion and healing, forgiveness and love towards specific people like the paralytic (Mark 2), the man with the shrivelled hand (Mark 3) and the woman who was bleeding for twelve years (Mark 5).

Over the years, as we have facilitated retreats we’ve noticed this same dynamic happening, and its amazing to watch it unfold. God is still singling people out, revealing his love and delight towards them. And then through them, God is touching others around them with his love and grace.

This month we had the unusual privilege of providing a retreat for people who have escaped from North Korea. Our Korean American friend Jimmy, a staff member with YWAM Kona, helped to make it happen. Through generous donors we were able to offer this short retreat for no charge. Our lives will never be the same.

~ Steve Klassen & the MARK Centre team

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